Monday, May 20, 2019

Summer Sanity

My oldest will be finishing kindergarten in just a few weeks and I'm desperately trying to stay ahead of the "I'm bored!" insanity.  He loves reading and learning so I'm trying to make flash cards for him to work on over the summer months.

I printed off a few at first and he read them all without I made more and am going to have him focus on spelling.  Some of them I even made definitions for the back so he can learn what they mean.

Anyway, I thought I'd put them up here for y'all to grab in case you want to use them.  There are some 3-4 letter words ones which I used with him awhile back and had him match pictures (printed some clip art from the Internet) to the words.

I've also included a telling time worksheet (download an analog clock image and use a brad to connect minute and hour hands, then use the worksheet to have your child put that time on the analog clock).

Feel free to use them if you want:) 

3&4 letter words (google each of the words and print a clip art you like for each word)

Definitions Template (this fits on the back of the "Practice Writing Words")

Full Alphabet Page (first picture on this post)

Sight Words (Colors, Numbers, Months)

Practice Writing Words (you can print your own words on here)

Practice Writing Template (you can let your kids practice writing on here)

Telling Time Worksheet  (I grabbed my analog clock face from here)

And here's one more really cute & fun subway art I actually display in my home for the fall/back to school time.  If you want to see my back-to-school themed shelf & decor, here is the blog post for some ideas.

I printed all my stuff in the font "KG Miss Kindergarten" (downloadable for free on several sites)

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